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Join the Movement:


Ways you can get involved:


1. Pray for The Tour

2. Share your Civil Rights Story

3. Follow the Blog & Add Prayer Requests

4. Make a donation (financial or food)

5. Get the word out (click here)-

6. Invite your church to register

7. Come to Freedom's Cry Prayer in November (click here)


Ways your church can get involved:

When we are in your area, your church can-

1. Adopt us in prayer

2. Provide Housing

3. Invite us to share & pray with your church

4. Make a donation (financial or food/meals)

5. Get the word out (click here)

Freedom's Cry


400 Northside Dr NW

Atlanta, GA 30318

Tel: 404-420-6555
Fax: 404-420-6555

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  • Wix Twitter page

You can also send us a message in the field below if you would like to get involved or bring Freedom's Cry to your home town:

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